
Watershed Coordination Services
Strategies for adaptive changes to watershed programs for progressive attainment of water quality objectives
Development of MOUs for joint efforts among stakeholders
Technical review of integrated water monitoring reports and water quality data
Preparation of watershed annual reports
Planning and leading watershed group meetings
Pursuit of grant funding for regional multi-benefit projects
Creation of targeted outreach materials for print and online distribution
Municipal Stormwater Permit Services
Planning and assistance in implementing stormwater control measures consistent with permit requirements
Technical & regulatory support in addressing pollutant-specific total maximum daily loads such as the development of implementation plans and specific implementation measures targeted at pollutants of concern
Revision of municipal stormwater ordinances to incorporate new permit requirements
Preparation of individual annual reports
Management of commercial facility inspection and incentive-based program development & implementation
Development of winning grant applications for capital improvement projects
Municipal staff training on stormwater permit requirements
Enrollment and reporting under Statewide WDR for sanitary sewer collection systems